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West Rim Prescribed Burn Project Area Map Spring 2025
Prescribed Fire to be initiated at West Dolores Rim Spring 2025
DOLORES, Colo. – The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Tres Rios field office plans to conduct prescribed fire treatments starting April 15th, 2025 – May 2025. Prescribed fire is an important tool for active vegetation management and the reduction of wildfire risk. The West Dolores Rim project area is seven miles east and northeast of Dove Creek. Firefighters will use a combination of hand and aerial ignitions to ignite 977 acres of pine needle cast and mountain brush leaf litter within ponderosa pine stands.
“The West Rim project continues to be one of the BLM's greatest successes in reintroducing fire onto the landscape. BLM began implementing prescribed fire in the West Rim project area in 2008, and after 16 years and thousands of acres treated, the BLM continues to see fantastic benefits for the timber stand, wildlife, and public land users, including reduced risk to homes, infrastructure, and resources.” - James Savage, BLM Supervisory Fuels Specialist
Prescribed fire mimics natural processes under appropriate weather and vegetative conditions, which improves forage for wildlife, increases plant diversity by creating breaks in the understory where native grasses and forbs can thrive, and effectively reduces hazardous vegetation while enhancing woodland health.
This project reflects the BLM’s ongoing commitment to protect the public while enhancing wildlife habitat and reducing the risk of wildfire. The BLM obtained smoke permits from the Colorado State Air Pollution Control Division, which identify atmospheric conditions under which the burns can be implemented.
While no road closures are expected during the projects, camping near the units is discouraged due to increased traffic and likelihood of smoke in the area, particularly at night. Multiple days of burning may occur as fuel conditions and weather permit. Project areas will be monitored once completed to ensure public safety. While smoke may be visible in the burn area at times, most of the smoke will lift and dissipate during the warmest parts of the day. Expect visible smoke in the area for several days after each burn is completed as vegetation in the interior continues to smolder.
West Dolores Rim prescribed burn will include 3 separate burn units. Units maybe burn simultaneously or individually depending on predicted weather conditions.
Unit 1 316 acres
Unit 18B 291 acres
Unit 42B 370 acres
Please continue to check back for all current updates with the West Rim prescribed burn.
For more information, visit https://www.colorado.gov/pacific/cdphe/wood-smoke-and-health.
Current as of | Mon, 03/17/2025 - 13:11 |
Incident Type | Prescribed Fire |
Coordinates |
37° 48' 48.18'' Latitude
-108° 50' 25.26
'' Longitude