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Forsythe II Prescribed Burn

Unit Information

2150 Centre Avenue Building E 
Fort Collins, 
2150 Centre Avenue Building E 
Fort Collins, 

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  • Fire Information

Forsythe II Update 05-17-2024

Forsythe II Prescribed Burn
Publication Type: Announcement - 05/17/2024 - 12:30

Fire managers are monitoring conditions for potential ignition as soon as Sunday, May 19, on the Forsythe II Prescribed Burn Project. Ignitions continue to be contingent on having appropriate weather conditions fall within the parameters of the burn plan, such as suitable dispersal wind speeds and ignitable fuel moistures. Ignitions may also be possible on Monday, May 20.

Since our first ignition date on April 15, fire managers have successfully treated approximately 122 acres at Forsythe II this season. Fire managers hope to treat up to an additional 70 of acres with this ignition, if conditions allow. We have published a video, linked towards the end of this email, with additional information regarding this upcoming potential burning period.

There may be notable smoke visible from the Forsythe II Prescribed Burn during this burn. Residents and visitors in the area should expect to see smoke and flames when operations are underway. The following areas in particular may see and smell smoke during this burn: Lakeshore subdivision, Crescent Village, Crescent Meadows, Gross Reservoir, Walker Park Ranch, Miramonte, Wondervu, Eldorado Canyon State Park, and parts of eastern Boulder County. 

Fire managers work closely with experts to minimize the impacts of smoke to the best extent possible. Air quality is carefully monitored before and during a prescribed fire and all prescribed burns comply with state air quality regulations to minimize impacts to communities. More information is available at

The public is advised to not call 911 regarding prescribed fire activity. Additional email notifications will be sent on days when burning is expected to begin. To receive these ignition updates, join our email list and select "Forest Health & Fire: North of Hwy 72 (Coal Creek Canyon) to Hwy 119 Boulder Canyon (Nederland and Magnolia areas)." These updates will also be posted here on our InciWeb page. 

We have added a video to the videos tab here on InciWeb with this information update from Burn Boss Trainee Luke Finn.