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West Mountain Fires Daily Update 08-30-2024
Boulder Fire, Dollar Fire
Publication Type: News - 08/30/2024 - 10:33
Boulder, Snag, Dollar & Goat Fire Updates
Fire Location Size Containment Assigned Crews Inciweb link
Boulder 9 miles SW of Cascade 2,372 acres 57% 336
Snag 11 miles E of Cascade 28,454 acres 3% 525
Dollar 18 miles NE of Cascade 3,442 acres 0% 68
Goat 11 miles SE of Cascade 2,580 acres 0% 7
Cause: Lightning (All Fires) Total Incident Personnel: 936
Weather | Anticipated Fire Behavior:
A high-pressure system passed through the fire area yesterday, bringing warmer temperatures and northwest winds. Resulting fire behavior included active group torching and small isolated runs where wind and terrain align. The high-pressure system remains over the fire area today, bringing stable air with temperatures in the mid-70s with 10 – 15% relative humidity. Minimal winds will result in smoke settling over the area, shading the fires from sunshine and resulting in somewhat less active fire behavior.
- Army crews from the 14th Brigade Engineer Battalion based at Joint Base Lewis McChord are currently assisting with suppression efforts on the West Mountain fires as well as assisting with adjacent wildfires in the area.
- Helicopters have been actively delivering water to all fires and loaning out aircraft to support other area incidents.
Boulder Fire:
- A slight reduction in acreage reflects refined mapping.
- Interior single tree torching occurred yesterday within an island of unburned fuels in the Fawn Creek drainage. This was expected, based on weather conditions, and did not threaten containment.
- Firefighters are mopping up residual heat, securing containment lines, and chipping brush, branches, and other unburned fuels near containment lines, while keeping track of fire activity where heat sources remain.
Dollar Fire:
- Firefighters and Army crews are securing recent firing operations along the western perimeter.
- A wildland fire module has been moved into the Dollar Fire to implement further firing operations along the western edge of the fire, maintain situational awareness on previous burning, and take fuel moisture samples to help predict future fire behavior.
Snag Fire:
- Crews continued firing operations on a strip of green vegetation south of Warm Lake Highway yesterday to reduce the chance of spotting across the roadway. Another firing operation is needed south of the highway along the fire’s northeastern edge. A third firing operation was initiated yesterday on the southern edge along Forest Roads #406 and #409. Several more days of firing is needed to complete these operations.
- Firefighters and Army crews continue holding fire line, mopping up, chipping, and patrolling along the fire’s western flank.
Goat Fire:
- There was active fire behavior along the southwestern edge of the Goat Fire yesterday, showing growth to the southwest.
- Crews continue to improve Forest Service trail 099, cutting back brush, and removing hazard trees for use as a contingency holding feature in case of fire movement in that direction.
Safety Message:
- The influx of holiday weekend visitors and hunters, along with fire responders will bring heavy traffic to local highways, recreation sites, and other areas of the forest. Please use caution so that we can all go home safely.