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Gem County Sheriff lifts Lava Fire Evacuation Notices Effective 09-19-2024
Publication Type: Closures - 09/19/2024 - 15:12
September 19th, 1400 MDT
Gem County Sheriff lifts Lava Fire Evacuation Notices
Effective Friday, September 20, 2024 at 8:00am
The Gem County Sheriff’s Office will lift all evacuation orders previously issued (see below for reference) for the Lava Fire effective Friday September 20 th, 2024 at 0800 MDT.
Currently the following areas are in a level I-Green-“Be Ready” evacuation status.
- Residences on Third Fork Road, North of Nesbitt Lane.
- Residences on Second Fork Road, North of Nesbitt Lane.
- Residences on Nesbitt Lane.
- The areas surrounding and in proximity to Sage Hen Reservoir.
This evacuation order status downgrade coincides with the Emmett and Cascade Ranger Districts on the Boise National Forests rescinding Stage 1 fire restrictions beginning at 8:00 a.m. on Friday, September 20, 2024. While the evacuation orders are being lifted, the wet weather has brought potential concerns to the area including mudslides, flash floods, and falling rocks and trees. Please be aware of the surroundings and the potential road hazards. Current road closures still remain in place due to these conditions and fire crews still in the area.