Diamond Watch Fire Special Update 8/11/2022
Diamond Watch Fire
Publication Type: News
Diamond Watch Fire Special Update
Idaho Panhandle National Forests, Priest Lake Ranger District
Location: 5.5 miles west of Nordman, ID in Pend Oreille County, WA Size: 341 acres Personnel: 34 Containment: 0% Incident Commander: ICT4 Hirst Special Update: Suppression Operations & Closure Information
Current Status: The Diamond Watch Fire, detected on the evening of July 14th, was started by lightning and is visible from the Priest Lake area. The fire is located 5.5 miles due west of Nordman, ID, and is burning on a ridge to the east of Diamond Peak in Pend Oreille County, WA. Recent growth was mapped with an infrared flight and the fire is currently at 341 acres, most of the heat is showing on the south slope and the fire is highly visible from ID Highway 57 near Nordman ID.
Suppression Operations: Soon after initial attack, it became evident that direct suppression was not a safe or effective option for this fire. Fire managers immediately began working on an indirect suppression strategy to confine and contain the Diamond Watch Fire. Using natural and man-made features that contributed to the greatest probability of success, crews and heavy equipment went to work to construct fireline. The previously discussed fuelbreak along Forest Service Rd 308 is the largest portion of containment line so far, but other line construction has occurred and is planned. A combination of tactics, including machine line, handline, sprinklers systems, and wet riparian areas will be used to contain the fire. Please refer to the August 11th Operations Map for a visual explanation of these containment lines. Although miles of containment line have been completed, the containment percentage for this fire cannot increase until the fire reaches those lines, and the lines hold.
Closures: An area and road closure has been issued, effective today, for Forest Service Roads 311, 308 and 1362H, as well as the area in the vicinity of the Diamond Watch Fire. Petit Lake and its associated dispersed campsites are within the area closure. FSR 1362 remains open. This closure is for public safety due to heavy equipment operations and wildfire effects of the Diamond Watch Fire, and prohibits all methods of travel (foot, mechanized, motorized and stock) on the closed roads and area (see Closure Map). The best access to the Priest Lake area from the Colville National Forest will be through Newport, WA via US Highway 2 north and Priest River, ID via ID Highway 57 north. There are NO evacuations currently in place. However, when living in fire prone areas it is recommended that all area residents have an evacuation plan in place including having all important documents, pictures, prescriptions, and pets gathered up and easily transportable. Residents of Bonner County, ID or Pend Oreille, WA can visit https://www.nixle.com or text home zip code to 888777 to sign up for emergency alerts.