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BDNF Pile Burning Operations Update 01-02-2024
Beaverhead-Deerlodge NF Prescribed Fire Operations
Publication Type: Announcement - 01/02/2024 - 10:41
Prescribed fire pile burning operations continue across the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest, as we experience snow accumulations and weather conditions conducive to burning.
Potential pile burning locations include:
🔥 Basin Creek Aspen project, south of Butte.
🔥 Red Rocks project, 5-10 miles west of the Bernice I-15 exit.
🔥 Steel Creek area, east of Wisdom on FS Road 2433.
Minimal smoke impacts are anticipated; however, smoke may be visible along Interstate 15 near Bernice and from the towns of Butte and Wisdom. The piles should consume fully, and smoke will dissipate quickly via dispersion by transport winds moving through the areas.
For more information on the prescribed fire and fuels management program on the B-D, visit the Forest website or contact the local Ranger Districts for specific project details.
Butte Ranger District at (406) 494-2147.
Wisdom Ranger District at (406) 689-3243.