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Bolt Creek Fire
Unit Information
Incident Contacts
- Fire InformationEmail:2022.boltcreek@firenet.govPhone:360-677-2414Hours:M-F 8:00am - 4:30pm (PT)
Bolt Creek Fire Update - September 19, 2022
Bolt Creek Fire
Publication Type: News 09/20/2022
Bolt Creek Fire Update
9 AM, September 19, 2022
Estimated size: 10,220 acres
Completed: 79%
Start Date/Time: 9/10/2022 at 5:15 am
Area of Origin: King Co., North of Skykomish
Cause: Undetermined
Structures Damaged: one out-building
Management of fire: Northwest Incident Management Team 8
Road Closures:
Highway 2 remains closed just east of Index-Galena Road, near Sunset Falls (MP 36), to the junction of 5th St N into the town of Skykomish (MP 49). Local highway access is permitted for residents with identification from the west closure at MP 36 to the intersection of Miller River Road (Old Cascade Highway). While traveling within the closure, please be mindful of the fire crews that continue to work along the highway and follow posted speed limits.
Highway 2 from the east side of Miller River Road (Old Cascade Highway) to the west side of 5th Street in Skykomish remains closed to all with exception of fire personnel. Please understand that while fire activity has slowed, the area remains hazardous.
As the fire continues to destabilize terrain, firefighter and public safety awareness remains heightened by the concern for gravity hazards. Falling rocks, rolling debris, falling trees are a concern particularly in the Highway 2 corridor. We ask residents to please be aware of these hazards and remain near their homes and off the roads while firefighters continue to identify potential hazards and remove them for public and firefighter safety.
Due to favorable weather, fire activity remains low. Visibility changed yesterday as cloud cover cleared and smoke caused by smoldering and creeping of the duff layer became more visible. The strategic objectives for the Bolt Creek Fire are to focus efforts on firefighter safety, protecting values at risk along the Highway 2 corridor, and preventing future spread to the west and east. As of now, 79% of that work has been completed.
On the west side of the fire, firefighters have completed and are monitoring and patrolling lines just east of the town of Index. On the east side of the fire, fireline has been completed on the 510 road, and Beckler River Road is anticipated to be completed by the end of shift today. In the Baring area, crews cleaned up line and laid fire hose to further protect homes, property, and critical infrastructure. The fire has burned underneath the powerlines and Bonneville Power Administration is removing trees and snags to protect the lines.
The Northwest Incident Management Team 8’s objective is to complete containment line on both ends of the fire to protect residences, property, and critical infrastructure. Estimated completion of this objective will be Tuesday. On Wednesday, management of the Bolt Creek Fire will be transferred to Western Washington Type 3 Team. The incoming team will continue to manage the fire to ensure safety of the surrounding communities.
Washington State Mobilized Resources have completed a Risk Assessment Plan of structures for homeowners and local fire districts and will demobilize today.
Weather and Fire Behavior: Onshore flow will continue to bring light, westerly winds with average speeds at 3-7 mph and gusts near 10 mph. Average temperatures will be near 63°F on the upper ridges and 77°F in the valleys. Relative humidity will drop down to around 45%. A slow warming and drying trend will last through at least mid-week with little chance of precipitation.
Evacuation Levels: Fire movement has slowed over the past 48 hours. New guidance:
Current Evacuation and road closures can be found at:
Conditions could change quickly, and evacuations may again become necessary.
Forest Closure: The Mount Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest has implemented an Emergency Closure on National Forest System lands. Roads, trails, and campgrounds are closed. To read the closure in its entirety, please see: MBSNF Bolt Creek Fire Closure
Smoke: Updated information on air quality may be found at Washington Smoke Blog at
Air Space Restrictions: A Temporary Flight Restriction (TFR) is in place over the Bolt Creek Fire. Please review the Notice to Airmen in its entirety. Please help the firefighters by respecting the TFR. If you fly, we can’t!
Resources: 310 personnel – 3-type 2 initial attack hand crew, 1-medium lift helicopter, 26-engines, 2-masticators, and 136 overhead.
A burn ban is in effect until significant rain is received. Please refrain from burning. Remember, “One less spark, one less wildfire.”