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Fish Creek Fire

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Fish Creek Fire Update: Friday 09-06-2024

Fish Creek Fire
Publication Type: News - 09/06/2024 - 07:56

Northern Rockies Team 1, Incident Commander Brent Olson

Location:  7 miles SW of Togwotee Pass

Start Date: Friday, August 16, 2024

Cause: Lightning

Size: 19,952 acres

Percent complete:  66%

Resources: 474 Total Personnel: 8 Hand Crews; 19 Engines; 1 Dozer; 18 Heavy Equipment; 5 Helicopters 


Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT) Maintenance Crews have reopened U.S. Highway 26/287 over Togwotee Pass as of 7:00 a.m. this morning. Motorists will be led through the area, west of Dubois, where the fire has been most active near the highway. Highway maintenance crews will be piloting traffic through the fire between milepost 26 and 29.8 from 7:00 a.m. to 4 p.m. Depending on smoke conditions, if it is clear on Friday and Saturday evening the highway could stay open for the weekend. Please drive slowly and with caution because there will still be some firefighters working in the area and visibility could be limited.

Today is a shadow day between Incident Management Teams. Following a 14-day assignment Northern Rockies Team 1 will be transitioning management and oversight of the fire to Northern Rockies Team 2 at 6:00 a.m. on September 7. NR Team 1 appreciates the support from the community and partners while working on the fire and thanks everyone for their patience and hospitality during the team’s time on this assignment.


Yesterday, aerial firing operations were used to build depth in the fire control line west of Highway 26 and south of Togwotee Pass by removing fuels between the fire edge and the highway control line. Firing operations are a valuable tactic that increases distance between an advancing fire and values at risk. When successful, the main fire will slow or stop advancing since the fire’s fuel has been removed. The expanded buffer will help reduce the likelihood of spot fires across Highway 26. All these actions are being done to protect the identified values at risk including the Highway 26 corridor, Brooks Lake, Pinnacle and Breccia Drives. Equipment and crews completed the indirect control line using the Flagstaff Road. Other areas around the fire remained quiet however, crews continued to patrol and monitor all sides of the fire. Structure protection crews tested the pumps, hose and sprinklers and continued to patrol. Night operations monitored the fire activity, patrolled for spot fires, and stood ready to respond if fire threatened the critical values at risk overnight.

Today, fire crews will continue to patrol for spot fires along the Highway 26 corridor and in the areas east of the highway where spots have been found over the past several days. Firefighters will respond and helicopter water bucket drops will be used where needed to support suppressing any spot fires. Recently burned areas west of the highway will be secured and monitored. The northeastern corner of the fire remains the operational priority to protect the identified critical values at risk. On other parts of the fire work will continue to construct indirect control lines finishing up on Flagstaff Road and working along the Flagstaff-Spread Creek Road along the western side. Structure protection crews will patrol the Brooks Lake Lodge and Pinnacle areas and test the pumps, hose, and sprinklers to make sure they are ready if needed. Operations personnel from both the outgoing and incoming teams will spend the day together transferring knowledge and information to ensure a safe and effective transition.


Mostly sunny skies under high pressure today, with temperatures peaking a few degrees warmer and humidity dropping further into the low 20 percent range. Expect winds out of the west, gusting slightly higher than yesterday. A switch to easterly winds is again expected this evening. Warm and dry conditions will continue Saturday with slightly increased westerly winds.

Expect a steady increase in fire behavior as fuels dry out, especially on the northeast portion of the fire where little precipitation was received. This includes surface fire in heavy dead and down fuels as well as single tree or group tree torching. Previously ignited areas that burned “patchy” may become active today. Anticipate these areas to pick up in fire behavior with the potential for torching and spotting. Given the condition of the fuels, downwind spotting is likely from any torching trees. Spotting distance has been observed up to 1 mile. If spotting occurs, the probability of success is high to contain them quickly with aerial and ground resources.


Air quality, smoke conditions and forecasts can be found at


A joint Closure Order for the fire area has been issued by the Bridger-Teton and Shoshone National Forests for public and firefighter safety. Please do not enter the closure area or use the Forest Roads that are closed. The Fish Creek Area, Roads, and Trails Closure Order (map) has been established for public and firefighter safety in the fire area. Full details can also be found at

Fremont County: Brooks Lake, Pinnacle Drive and Breccia Drive areas are currently under a Level 3 Evacuation notice. A Level 3 Evacuation means “Go” to evacuate. Residents must evacuate immediately. See the alert notice on the Fremont County Fire Protection District Facebook page

Teton County: The Teton County Division of Emergency Management utilizes a Ready, Set, Go system for evacuation messaging. All residents should be in the Ready status by preparing for evacuations and becoming fire adapted.

US HWY 26/287 continues to experience smoke and sometimes limited visibility. Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT) is working closely with Fremont County Emergency Management and fire officials for the safety of motorists and firefighters. Drivers are encouraged to visit prior to traveling on US HWY 26/287 for road status and information, or download the Wyoming 511 app at to monitor for any changes due to fire activity.