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Big Ridge Fire

Unit Information

1755 Cleveland Highway 
1755 Cleveland Highway 

Incident Contacts

James Wettstaed
Phone: 770-530-3950
Hours: 8 AM to 8 PM

Highlighted Activity

Order No. 08-03-05-25-02FOREST ORDERPursuant to the provisions of 16 USC §551, and Title 36 CFR §261.50(a) and 261.50(b), the area of National Forest System lands in the “Big Ridge Fire Area” located on the Chattooga River Ranger District of the Chattahoochee-Oconee National Forest is closed to entry. The area is closed to entering or occupying in order to minimize risks to public health and… Read more
Publication Type: Closures -
Highlights: Today at 6 a.m. the Southern Area Gold Complex Incident Management Team assumed management of the Big Ridge Fire under the leadership of Incident Commander Paul Varnedoe. The Gold Team expresses its appreciation to the Forest Type 3 Team, Rabun Couty Sheriff’s Office, cooperators, collaborators and the community for their support to the firefighters. Firelines on the north side… Read more
Publication Type: News -

Highlighted Media

Photograph of a fire burning in the distance.

The Big Ridge Fire started on March 22nd, 2025 in the Sarah's Creek area of the Warwoman Wildlife Management Area in Clayton, Georgia.

The Big Ridge Fire is burning in conditions of abnormally dry to medium drought conditions with dryer than normal fuels.  Steep and rocky terrain are dictating indirect tactics.  The fire is burning in a remote area and is not an immediate threat to the public.  It is impacting the Bartram Trail, Sarah’s Creek Campground, and the Warwoman Wildlife Management Area.

Incident updates will be posted daily. The cause of the fire is currently under investigation.

Basic Information
Current as of Fri, 03/28/2025 - 12:08
Incident Time Zone America/New_York
Incident Type Wildfire
Cause Under Investigation
Date of Origin
Location 8 Miles from Clayton GA
Incident Commander U.S. Forest Service - Chattahoochee-Oconee National Forest
Chattooga River Ranger District
Coordinates 34° 57' 10'' Latitude
-83° 17'
'' Longitude
Current Situation
Total Personnel: 206
Size 1,936 Acres
Percent of Perimeter Contained 0%
Estimated Containment Date 04/04/2025
Fuels Involved

Hardwood Litter 
Timber (Litter and Understory) 

Hardwood Litter 


Dryer than normal fuels and numerous dead trees are located within the burn area.

Significant Events


Wind Driven Runs 


Fire crossed western containment lines. Active fire perimeter on western and southern edges.

Planned Actions

Continue strategic fire operations as needed. Efforts will continue with indirect line prep and scouting
for contingency line locations. Resources will continue to secure heel of the fire, and grid and mop up
any spots across the primary control lines.

Projected Incident Activity

As winds begin to shift to a SW flow, fire growth is predicted to move east/northeast. Strategic firing operations may be conducted along indirect lines if conditions warrant.


CIMT Southern Area Gold Team will in brief on 3/27 at 1800 local time and will assume command of
incident on 3/28 at 0600.

Current Weather
Weather Concerns

Red Flag Warning noon through 8pm Friday.

Another operational period of RH values dipping toward the lower 20s Friday. Partly cloudy.

Temperatures and wind will increase early Saturday ahead of a change to higher dewpoints and possible rainfall after dark on Saturday into Sunday morning. A thunderstorm is also possible Sunday into Monday.