Incident Media Photographs
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Photographs Gallery
The Pioneer Peak Hot Shots arrive on the Lost Horse Creek Fire, August 12, 2023.
The CATG Crew (Council of Athabascan Tribal Governments) on the Lost Horse Creek Fire, August 12, 2023.
The Student Conservation Association crew on the Lost Horse Creek Fire, August 12, 2023.

Looking north from the Middle Fork staging area into the Lost Horse Creek Fire, August 12, 2023.
The Pioneer Peak Hot Shot Crew piles their gear to be ready to be lifted out to the Lost Horse Creek Fire, August 12, 2023.

Crew mopping up on the fireline on the Lost Horse Creek Fire, August 12, 2023.

A scooper loads up with water to drop on the Lost Horse Creek Fire, August 13, 2023.

A water drop over the Lost Horse Creek Fire, August 12, 2023.

The Lost Horse Creek Fire on August 4, 2023.
A bulldozer line established along the southeast part of the Lost Horse Creek Fire. Photo by Alaska Incident Management Team medic Heather Buben

Firefighters on the Nulato Hills 2 Crew keep their chainsaw blades sharp and clean as they work on structure protection on the Lost Horse Creek Fire, August 9, 2023.
Bulldozer working to create a fire break control line. Alaska Incident Management Team medic Heather Buben