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East Fork Fire Closure 09/02/2023

Photo by night operations crew member Greg Cayer of fire camp.

Smoldering fuels

When mop-up is taking place, Opening up fuels to oxygen speeds up the burn process allowing these fuels to burn faster and the cool more completely. When many piles are close together, you may see smoke like this. These operations are closely monitored and always done in areas where there is no chance of the fire moving beyond its current perimeter. Photo taken by Amanda Frickel.

This photo shows how fire spread was minimized on the East Fork Fire in old timber sale areas with younger 2nd and 3rd generation growth trees. This is largely due to limited dead and downed trees in these areas that traditionally carry heat and flames during active burn periods. Photo taken by Operations Section Chief, Ashley Sites, from a helicopter on the west side of the fire.
A hoselay runs along a completed fireline. Hoses will deliver water for suppression and mainly mop up operations.

A firefighter on the East Fork Fire works to extinguish smoldering duff and other material.

East Fork Fire personnel at morning briefing on August 20th.

East Fork Fire Heavy Equipment on the move August 21, 2023 - photo credit Moira McKelvey

A pair of CL 415 Super Scoopers refill and return to support operations on the East Fork Fire.

East Fork Fire Scooper over Dickey Lake August 20, 2023