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Current Pile Burning Activity 02-05-2025
Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests Pile Burning
Publication Type: Announcement - 02/05/2025 - 08:00
Larimer County, Canyon Lakes Ranger District – Week of Feb 4 to Feb 11, 2025
Fire managers do not have any new pile burning plans for the coming week.
This past weekend, strong gusty winds in several Canyon Lakes Ranger District locations resulted in an increase in fire behavior for ignited piles, leading to more smoke and flames visible in some active project areas. Due to the change in conditions, fire crews increased their patrolling and monitoring of active pile burn project areas and completed additional mop up and securement work. This work was done at the following locations:
Glen Haven 2 & 3: Hand piles. Adjacent to Glen Haven on both sides of County Rd 43.
Thompson River 4: Hand piles. 6 miles east of Estes Park, along FSR 122 (Pole Hill Rd).
Thompson River 5: Hand piles. 4 miles southeast of Estes Park, at the intersection of Highway 36 and FSR 124.
Red Feather 5: Hand piles. 4 miles northeast of Red Feather Lakes, along County Road 67J (Prairie Divide Road).
Fire personnel will continue to patrol and monitor all recent pile burning locations until work has been completed. For the most up to date status on each unit, please visit our Rx Fire Map.