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Cerro Pelado Post-Fire BAER

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New Mexico 
Santa Fe, 
New Mexico 
Santa Fe, 

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  • BAER Information
  • Santa Fe National Forest Public Affairs

After Fire Flooding and Recovery Resources Guide for NM Communities

Cerro Pelado Post-Fire BAER
Publication Type: News 05/24/2022

After Fire Flooding and Recovery Resources Guide for NM Communities

After Wildfire New Mexico Guide for Communities: and also attached below as a PDF document under Related Information.

This guide is an interagency response to fire affected communities’ requests for a one-stop-shop for information to help them respond to wildfires.

In recent years, New Mexico experienced multiple catastrophic wildfires, many followed by intense flooding. In the wake of these events, communities had to navigate a complex system of state and federal response authorities.

This guide was created to help communities organize and respond to wildfire and subsequent flooding.

The guide contains safety information, flood information, state and federal agency resources and contacts for assistance, ways to mobilize your community, and financial and funding tips for communities and families.

It is intended to provide useful guidance through a difficult time, and to start you and your community on the road to recovery. If you are reading this before a wildfire occurs, use it to help you plan ahead.