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National Weather Service forecast for thunderstorm probability in recent burn scars

Cerro Pelado Burned Area Assessed by BAER Specialists and Scientists

Flash Flooding & Large Vegetative Debris Over Road on 7-1-22 taken by NWS Andrew Mangham

NM Burn Scar Thunderstorm NWS Forecast Table

National Weather Service ABQ--Flash Flood Weather Notice

National Weather Service Reminder that Wildfire Burn Scars are a Flood Risk

Ash and Debris Flow

FEMA FLYER--Start Your Recovery Process

FEMA FLYER--Comience Su Proceso de Recuperacio'n

BAER Soil Scientist finds Vegetation Regrowth in Canon de Norte in the northern part of the Cerro Pelado burn area

BAER Soil Scientist Nori Koehler & BAER Hydrologist Kelly Mott Lacroix Prepare for Recon Flight of the Cerro Pelado Burned Area

BAER Hydrologist Kyle Paffett checking a culvert on Forest Service Road FSR270 in the Cerro Pelado Burned Area