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Tyee Ridge Complex Smoke Outlook 9/17/2023
Updated On: 09/17/2023
Special Statement
...Air Quality Alert for Curry, Jackson, and Josephine counties
until 5 PM Sunday...
Tyee Ridge Complex Smoke Outlook 09/16/23 (Spanish Version)
Updated On: 09/16/2023
Tyee Ridge Complex Smoke Outlook 09/16/2023
Updated On: 09/16/2023
The Grizzly, Brice Creek and Tyee Ridge fires exhibited some active burning during Friday with a notable active period in regional fires to the north outside the Umpqua Forest. Reduced AQ will continue mainly in proximity and south of the Tyee Ridge and Chilcoot fires. Warm and dry conditions will continue into Monday, which could lead to further fire and smoke potential for the region early in the week. Additional details on the fires are available at Tyee Ridge and other fires Inciweb.
Tyee Ridge Complex Smoke Outlook 09/15/23 (Spanish Version)
Updated On: 09/15/2023
Aviso Especial
...Inusualmente cálido y seco hasta el fin de semana... Es
posible que haya más humo dependiendo de la actividad en
los incendios.
Tyee Ridge Complex Smoke Outlook 09/15/2023
Updated On: 09/15/2023
Special Statement
...Unseasonably Warm and Dry into this Weekend... More
smoke is possible depending on fire activity
Tyee Ridge Complex Smoke Outlook 09/14/23 (Spanish Version
Updated On: 09/14/2023
Aviso Especial
...Cálido y seco hasta el fin de semana... Es posible quehaya más humo para el viernes dependiendo de la actividadde los incendios.
Tyee Ridge Complex Smoke Outlook 9/12/2023 (Spanish Version)
Updated On: 09/13/2023
En anticipación a un frente del Pacífico que se moverá sobre la región hoy y el martes. La mayor humedad conducirá a una quema planificada mínima. Sin embargo, se espera poca precipitación con este sistema, y se pronostican condiciones mucho más cálidas y secas desde mediados hasta finales de semana, lo que puede llevar a un mayor potencial de fuego y humo para la región. Los detalles adicionales sobre los incendios están disponibles en Tyee Ridge and other fires Inciweb.
Tyee Ridge Complex Smoke Outlook 9/13/2023 (Spanish Version)
Updated On: 09/13/2023
UMPQUA, Ore.: La neutralización ha sido la actividad prioritaria de los bomberos durante varios días en Tyee Ridge Complex. Los equipos trabajaron para asegurar el perímetro del incendio al neutralizar focos calientes y delimitando la zona adyacente a las líneas de control como preparación para el cambio del clima que se producirá hoy.
Tyee Ridge Complex Smoke Outlook 9/13/2023
Updated On: 09/13/2023
Special Statement
Tyee Ridge Complex Smoke Outlook 9/12/2023
Updated On: 09/13/2023
Some clouds along with higher humidity has led to reduced natural fire activity. Smoke production has been limited to smoldering areas along active portions of perimeters, and interior islands. Unseasonably hotter and drier conditions are forecast late this week, which may lead to increased fire and smoke potential for the region. Additional details on the fires are available at Tyee Ridge and other fires Inciweb.